Clear, Concise & Compelling
VIRTUAL Presentations

Zoom calls & virtual presentations are the new normal. Is your team effectively communicating to each other, to management, to clients or prospects? Learn how to harness the power of presentations even in a virtual world.
The workshops below are designed specifically for the virtual era we are currently in and will help your team become proficient virtual leaders and contributors.
Clear, Concise & Compelling Virtual Presentations consists of three, two hour sessions.
$4,995 for up to ten participants.

Creating Compelling Content
Harness the power of a clear presentation objective that includes the WHY of your presentation
Create content that takes your audience on a journey to solve a challenging problem they struggle with
Learn how to understand your audience so you will make strong connections and ensure audience engagement
Understand the six universal influence levers you can incorporate to increase your impact on an audience and help you connect logically and emotionally
Develop carefully focused opening and closing approaches which connect you with your virtual audience
Make your presentation content “sticky” by using a variety of techniques that make it easy for your audience to remember your points
Learn how to design audience engagement into your virtual presentation to ensure you keep them with you to the end

Delivering With Impact
Develop skills for delivering compelling virtual presentations that move your audience to the action steps you target
Learn and apply the tools for analyzing your audience that will target their needs, capture their attention and understand several ways to develop your presentation to reach them logically AND emotionally
Learn how to incorporate a story that quickly breaks audience preoccupation and engages them, connects emotionally and keeps them with you
Identify tools and techniques to use web-based video technology appropriately in your presentations
Incorporate the 12 power tips for compelling virtual slide decks
Use your voice and body language to deliver confidently and influentially